Family Heritage Glass

My great grandma’s 100 year old nickle glass is our prized possession in the house. We are cherishing it in our family ever since I brought it from my village home about 10 years back. It is in this glass that my ancestors had their milk and lassi in village Pilimandori (Fatehabad - Haryana). So, one can imagine my joy of possessing this glass and displaying it proudly during our heritage events. During get-togethers in our house, we make it a point to introduce our heritage glass, with its history, to our guests. Afterall, it is our sanskriti - our roots.

The glass reminds me of the core values of our heritage and culture, which are dear to me, specially as Convenor of INTACH, Ambala Chapter. I proudly show it to school children during heritage events. This majestic glass reminds me that luxury today is being at peace with ourselves, by keeping our soul alive. That is because our batteries are getting discharged due to materialistic rat race. Greed has overtaken us, blinding our sense of self accountability. We have become more of seekers than givers. It is time to pause, self introspect, and rejuvenate our souls. Lets be content in life, and value simple and old things – like this old and majestic nickel glass.

Contributed By :

Colonel RD Singh (Retd)

Convenor, INTACH Ambala Chapter