The Swastika Symbol

The Swastika is an auspicious ancient symbol denoting good fortune and well-being in Asian countries. Painted on entrances of homes, temples, cars, financial statements, and even in rituals, the Swastika is a revered symbol in predominantly Asian religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Originating from the oldest Hindu scriptures, the Vedas, the Swastika can also be traced to ancient Rome, Mesopotamia, Grecian excavations, Buddhist idols, and Chinese coins. It eventually became a well-known emblem around the world.

A rotating structure of straight arms drawn specifically using shades of red, the Swastika holds a variety of meanings, often interpreted as the Four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva), four directions, four yugas or epochs ( Satya,Treta, Dwapar, Kali) or the four elements. The Nazis appropriated the Swastika symbol to further their idea of an Aryan race, tainting the rich history of the symbol. Despite major defamation, the symbol has retained its sacred history. This is the image of a swastika symbol on the entrance door to the contributor's home.

Contributed By :

Chayanika Dubey