The Gotipua Dance Archive

Part 2Interview Excerpts (Perspectives on Odissi)

Part 2 is a curation of video interviews that are an eye witness account by eminent Oriya artists of how folk gotipua resources were ‘classicized’ for the creation of Odissi dance, using melodic, rhythmic and movement elements principally from the gotipuas.
  • Part 2 (A) Perspectives on Odissi (Interview Excerpts)

    Shri A Mahapatra, Guru GK Behera, Guru Banamali Maharana, Shri Sarat Das, and Pandit R Panigrahi, with a commentary by Dr Rekha Tandon.

  • Part 2 (B) In Memory of Guru Banamali Maharana (1941-2018)
  • Transcript of Mardala Training - Basic Sounds & Taals